Case Studies

Discover how Securance has empowered organizations to achieve their goals through effective risk management and cyber security. Our case studies highlight real-world scenarios where we’ve made a positive impact.


“My relationship with Conclude Accountants / Securance goes back some time. Both now and in previous projects, I have experienced the expertise, pragmatism and cooperation as very pleasant. Because we planned to achieve both the ISAE 3402 and the ISAE 3000 within one year, it was essential that we as partners could count on each other. The fact that Risklane / Conclude Accountants has established itself as a sparring partner during the implementation has helped us a lot. This partnership, in combination with the willingness to change, commitment, and motivation of all Axians employees involved, has ensured that we have been able to achieve this result within time and the budget.
ISAE 3402 & SOC 2

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This case study delves into our collaboration with Fujitsu, highlighting our commitment to excellence in risk management and internal control.
ISAE 3402

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Planday, a tech company, obtained SOC 2 assurance, showcasing a commitment to data privacy and cybersecurity. Partnering with Securance since 2018, they successfully implemented SOC 2 by aligning processes with the control framework. The Securance team, including Koen van der Aa, Vincent Man, and Bart van Wijck, played a pivotal role. Planday’s SOC 2 implementation demonstrated continuous improvement in processes, strengthening risk management. Certicus Ltd. conducted a successful SOC 2 Type II audit in May 2021.
ISAE 3402

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Colt Ltd.

The Colt Ltd. data center, entrusted Securance with the implementation and audit of SOC 2, a testament to their commitment to the highest standards of information security. Through a collaborative effort, we worked closely with Colt Ltd. to fortify their systems and processes, ensuring compliance with SOC 2 requirements.

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